Hola wasblind,
Did you grow up along the coast? Sharks are the devil with a dorsil.
or do they only help their own members ?.
is there anything in their publications that seems to cast a negative view on feeding the poor ?.
Hola wasblind,
Did you grow up along the coast? Sharks are the devil with a dorsil.
or do they only help their own members ?.
is there anything in their publications that seems to cast a negative view on feeding the poor ?.
What an uncharitable group! If you think about it, they are uncharitable even with in the congregation. To get help with food if you are sick, it has to go through the Body of Elders for approval.
I remember being a kid in the 70's, and the school teacher would give us UNICEF boxes. 'Nope' mamma said, 'they are all going to die in Armagedon', 'So are the whales, take off your 'save the whales pin'.
i was remembering the 1980s when it was in vogue to shun children.
they went through a fad when they'd call unbaptized excommunication as "disassociation".
within a short period of time, most of the teens and preteens were "disassociated" or disfellowshipped.
Thank you for sharing your lifes experiance Blondie.
I was going through a messy divorce at this time. I never new what a single 'sister' went through until then. That's another topic. I had always been sort of sheilded by a father or husband before this.
From your story, I see you can understand.
Yes, now I know they goofed and that is putting it mildly, as I am leaving out magor portions of my childs story.
As sad as this was for all of us, it moved us away from going to meetings. One day my child said, Mom , if it doesnt feel good, why are you going?? Out of the mouths of a young teen. I had already felt the lack of Love. Been to many back room setups. But, that simple little comment was ear/eye opening.
So you were the Regects, we were "the going to hell family". I cant help but laugh now, in a nostalgic sort of way.
i was remembering the 1980s when it was in vogue to shun children.
they went through a fad when they'd call unbaptized excommunication as "disassociation".
within a short period of time, most of the teens and preteens were "disassociated" or disfellowshipped.
@ Chemical Emotions
My friends sister's hair had it's revenge. It grew back very thick and had beautiful Botticelli curls. Viva laTina!
'edit on the raffa curls'
i was remembering the 1980s when it was in vogue to shun children.
they went through a fad when they'd call unbaptized excommunication as "disassociation".
within a short period of time, most of the teens and preteens were "disassociated" or disfellowshipped.
Good quote Blondie. Maybe my area was very hardlined. Or it depends on who you know. I wish I had that information then.
My child, was an UBM. In the mid 90's, my child's name was read off from the platform as being no longer an UBM. Still got the same 'treatment'. Was just a kid of 12. The wrongdoing was kissing.
Sweet treatment from the elders...they told me after the anouncemnt what it was all about.
do you guy know any witnesses that married for privilege?
for example the lowly male publisher married the c.o.t.b.o.e daughter and quickly move up the ranks.
another example is that the witness girl that only date or marries up( only dates m.s,elders,ex-bethelites,or pioneers ).. .
Smile, 3rdgen. She is beautiful.
Not that I wouldnt fix a brocken nose or other things. But she looks like she has never nursed a bambini. You've got to earn that silicone.
i was remembering the 1980s when it was in vogue to shun children.
they went through a fad when they'd call unbaptized excommunication as "disassociation".
within a short period of time, most of the teens and preteens were "disassociated" or disfellowshipped.
I remember this all to well.
In highschool, my best friend's UBM sister got marked from the platform. I dont remember the exact words used. But you treated them the same as being DFed. She was 15 and had run away for one night with a boy , nothing happened but kissing. But she was marked as if she did more. Her sick stepdad cut off all her beautiful long blond hair for punishment.
first of all iam a agnostic.
i,am curious, you who are atheist.
what or how do you deal with a life or death situation.
I agree with Sir82 .
That, and watching, or losing someone to cancer. Hearirng everyone say, 'we are praying for them'. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, but it really wont help. But for a believer in God it may calm them.
@ gymbob...simply put. I was thinking the same thing. Mostly, the only living things were the rats during the horrible trench conditions of WW1.
@ rebel8 , also like Christopher Hithcens . It just didnt happen.
i wound my way to a place both dark and light .
whose aspect was deeply grave yet of cheerful .
within the heightened stalls were untold rows.
"Do you love books?", he asked.
I replied, "I am a book".
Beautiful words CoCo . reminding me of the printed palaces of my youth.
and what do you make of the overall social structures within the org?
and not just in the usa............................oompa.
it is not a caste system...you can move up the ranks.
You Nouveau riche human, should be banned for talking about outing someone.